Construction Worker
Are you interested in working in an innovative and fun company with developement oppurtunities? Then we have the job for you. Apply now!
LW Sverige is looking for workers for our roof and facade department. Are you ready for new tasks and challenges? Are you interested in working in an innovative and fun company with development opportunities? Then we have the job for you.
What we are doing as a business
We work on facades and roofs all over Sweden, using all kinds of materials.
Some examples:
- Sheet metal
- Roof bricks
- Membrane
- Installing roof beams
- Brick façade
- Glass
- Plaster
- Metal
- Stone
- ACP panels
- Mineral boards
Who are you?
You have experience in construction sheet metal and roofing, are production-oriented, and focus on quality. You’re self-motivated, team-oriented, and have strong problem-solving skills. You can work at a fast pace while maintaining high standards and providing great service.
What we offer:
- Pension plan via Fora
- Wellness allowance of 3000 SEK per year
- 5 extra paid days off annually (on top of vacation days)
- Collective agreement according to the Plåt och ventilationsavtalet
Who are we?
LW is one of Sweden's leading companies in roof and facades, with our headquarters and factory in Stockholm, Sweden. We deliver solutions across the roof and façade area and are currently working on exciting projects nationwide. LW is in an expansive phase, offering great opportunities to grow, take on responsibilities, and develop professionally. With us, only you set the limits for your own development!
- Avdelning
- Produktion

Älta, Stockholm
Om LW Sverige AB
LW är ett av Sveriges ledande företag inom tak och fasad med verkstad och huvudkontor i Älta.
Vi är ett snabbväxande företag inom byggbranschen med målet att ständigt utveckla och modernisera hantverkartraditionen samtidigt som vi månar om att hålla en hög kvalitet igenom arbetet. Vi levererar lösningar inom hela tak- och fasadområdet, allt från totalentreprenader till mindre servicearbeten och vi jobbar just nu med många spännande projekt runt om i landet.
Construction Worker
Are you interested in working in an innovative and fun company with developement oppurtunities? Then we have the job for you. Apply now!
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